Monday, July 20, 2009

The Study

This study proposes to compare the acquisition of reasoning and creative thinking skills in two groups of students exposed to different pedagogical approaches—one, a constructivist, problem-based, inquiry learning approach; the other, a conventional learning environment. Rather than relying on the results of performance on external tests that may not be comparable from year to year, this study proposes to use widely accepted standardized instruments—The Arlin Test of Formal Reasoning and the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking— to determine the acquisition of reasoning and creative abilities.

Research Questions

Does the treatment group perform differently than the control group on the Torrance Tests of Creativity?

Does the treatment group of students perform differently than the control group on the Arlin Test of Formal Reasoning?


  1. How did you choose the measures you will use to assess whether there is a difference between groups?

  2. The Classrooms for the Future Initiative, Pennsylvania (2001) used the ATFR as a group test to measure the intellectual and cognitive levels of students.

    Also found the following report on the TToC:
    Cramond, B., Matthews-Morgan, J; Bandalos, J.D.; Zuo, L. (2005). A Report on the 40-Year Follow-Up of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking: Alive and Well in the New Millennium. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 49(4), 283-291,356-357. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from ProQuest Education Journals database. (Document ID: 925447321).

    I remember the TToC from my years as a clinical counsellor.

  3. I am wondering how one acquires reasoning or creativity. Just a thought - how about utilizes or puts into practice these skills.

  4. John,
    How did you choose the two standardized instruments, are there others you considered?

  5. Group Comments/Questions:
    1)What do you mean by "conventional?" The term could be described in contrast with constructivist approaches to make it more clear.
    2)Why did you choose constructivist-conventional approaches and how do the instruments correlate to these approaches?
